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Re: Dselect

>>>>> "半個台灣人" == 半個台灣人  <volospin.bbs@VOIDbbs.e-fever.org> writes:

    半個台灣人> 我是說... 入到選 package 時已經有些本來無要的 package.  本來 
    半個台灣人> not installed, 又選了 install...

    半個台灣人> 怎樣可以 只 install 我想要的.

    半個台灣人> 我也知 用 / 來 search.

Are you using the unstable or testing distribution?  If so, expect that
Dselect will select a lot of package for upgrade or install: whenever a
package in the remote server is newer than yours, it will try to upgrade
that package.  If that new package require/recommend some library that
weren't installed, it will select it for you as well.

You should really upgrade when new upstream version is released, especially
for stable distribution.  Most of the time it means the package contains
security holes that is fixed by the new version.

If you really really don't want new package to trigger upgrades, you can use
the hold flag.  just modify the status of every package to hold (by pressing
"=").  Dselect will no longer upgrade the package automatically.


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