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Re: 關于聲卡的問題!

wqinian rao wrote:

> 請問我在misc裡加入一些關于我的yamaha聲卡的時候要我添一行東西如下:
>             Enter command_line Arguments yamaba
> please enter any command-line arguments for the op13sa
> module,myany modules can antoprobe and do not require
> additional parameters

Yes you usually don't need to add any command line parameter anymore nowaday. especially PCI card. It was mainly for ISA card configuration.... and I thank that's what ispnp for... anyway.. nowaday.. the command line argument very not likely to be used.... not like the
old day ( just from my experience compare the old and the new hardware)

> 然後就有一空行要我填,我該填寫什麼呢?我只是隨寫'yamaha'幾個字母,我配置內核裡的SOUND時候裡面的sound時候裡面的sound-support默認選的'm'對嗎?OSS等都沒有選擇我的YAMAHA的也沒有選,但是用lsmod能看見比如ad1848,sound,soundlow,soundcore等的。我應該是PNP的聲卡,該怎麼做呢?

ok... are you rebuilding your kernel? M stand for module. if you build the sound card module support it will build the module alias and the module dependance. Without that core.. you can't support the resis of the sound card mixer, midi timer.. and stuff... :) so..
pick and choise.
Why not? Module mean it is not going to be in the kernel.. that's what microkernel for... if you are not sure your card are supported.. 3 thing you can do
1, Check the web site see you card is listed in alsa (so far the best sound support ... let me take it back.. opensound(the base of alsa)..but they need money)  http://www.alsa-project.org/

2, If your card is not listed... (very likely not if you are using some offline non-big name brand) but don't give up ... check the configuration. Most window support card will list all they "function"
bluh bluh bluh "compatable "
bluh bluh bluh "support "
use your sense and make a close look.. which drive will you pick..
most likely you will find one. In your case Yamaha, are very comment intergrated card like my. Which mean you are not likely to pick exact
the driver for the yamaha card but just the driver.

3. Or you are too lazy (not recommand) and just try it one by one :) but you will need to get all the modules.

Show me what card you get I may know what to use :)

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