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Re: Maybe we don't have a name controversy after all (Was: Re: The locale name of Taiwan)

> The more I read, the more I think this whole thing is just a big
> misunderstanding. It seems that some people on cle list believe that
> the evil glibc is trying to set an "official" locale name for TW. It's
> NOT true. It's not glibc's business to go around telling people what
> name they should use for their locales. Glibc simply follows the standards
> and conventions. When in the situations where the standards are not explicit,
> glibc has to try to accommodate the vagueness. That's exactly what it did in 2.2
> for locale names, trying to accommodate the naming mess to support as many
> locale names as possible. The name zh_TW (or zh_TW.big5) is glibc's internal
> name. By NO means it imply that this should be TW's "official" locale name.
> If you guys believe that you have gotten an "official" name in "zh_TW.Big5",
> good, go on to promote it and enforce everyone using it. You will have no
> problem with glibc 2.2.

glibc 或 gtk 要 normalized codeset ( charset )

不過我想補充一下, 當初建議大家用 Big5 是因為

記得某一份 rfc "建議" codeset ( or charset ? ) 用小寫 
抱怨一下, gtk 會 normalized codeset 就是因為 mandrake Pablo 建議的, 
結果現在又用 Big5 真是 :-)

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