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Uploaded sysklogd 1.3-17 (source i386) to master

Good afternoon folks,

This release is the same as -16 except that it has this stupid
cpu eating bug fixed.  Thanks Leland Olds for providing me with
a patch.

-- Begin Changes --


Date: 25 Jun 97 15:37:49 UT
Format: 1.5
Distribution: unstable stable
Binary: sysklogd
Source: sysklogd
Architecture: source i386
Version: 1.3-17
Maintainer: Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>
Description: Kernel and system logging daemons.
 This package implements two system log daemons.  The syslogd daemon is
 an enhanced version of the standard Berkeley utility program.  This
 daemon is responsible for providing logging of messages received from
 programs and facilities on the local host as well as from remote hosts.
 The klogd daemon listens to kernel message sources and is responsible
 for prioritizing and processing operating system messages.  The klogd
 daemon can run as a client of syslogd or optionally as a standalone
 program.  Klogd can now be used to decode EIP addresses if it can
 determine a System.map file.
Priority: Routine
 4cb224f5c7ba604d09e6b7874a922167 32939 base - sysklogd_1.3-17.diff.gz
 b7f0f3fd93662236f2dc1ba7f4124d41 275 base - sysklogd_1.3-17.dsc
 bc14ce3dad48d1f3c4cb3e015091de4d 52782 base - sysklogd_1.3-17_i386.deb
 2e84beeafe23653205f3d3bf47a3a6bb 62108 base - sysklogd_1.3.orig.tar.gz
  * Included Miquel's patches which allows continuation line support
    for syslogd.  Corrected syslog.conf(5) manpage.  Improved
    syslog.conf file.  Thanks to Miquel van Smoorenburg
    <miquels@@cistron.nl> for dropping in these patches.
  * Added /var/log/syslog as a daily rotated logfile which contains
    everything except auth.*
  * ksym.c: Added #1 and #2 to some error messages in order to being able
    to divide them (ulmo@@Q.Net)
  * Improved postinst script (Thanks to Miquel van Smorrenborg for ideas)
  * klogd now also reads /System.map-<version> and
    /boot/System.map-<version> (Bug#7210)
  * syslogd,klogd: made DEBRELEASE optional to support a non-Debian
    release as well.
  * Corrected freeing of logfiles.
  * Removed delay of 10 seconds. (Bug#8104, Bug#8400)
  * Modified permissions of logfiles from 644 to 640 and 640 to 600 for
    security aspects.
  * Corrected syslog.conf(5) manpage (Bug#9779)
  * Found upstream patches for 1.3.1 to 1.3.3 which are now included.
    These also include some patches for glibc and Alpha.
  * Included patch to modules package to support better debugging
  * Added patch from Leland Olds which fixes a buffer overrun and improved
    symbol lookup. (Bug#4875)
  * Some more glibc patches made by Michael Alan Dorman
    <mdorman@debian.org>. (Bug#8362, Bug#8763)
  * Fixed stupid bug which caused klogd to eat up 90% cpu time. (Bug#10716)

Version: 2.6.2i


-- End Changes --

As this release fixes some important bugs it will also go into
the stable release as soon as the testing team has validated
the package.

Have a pleasant day,


PS: As usual first in ftp.infodrom.north.de in /pub/people/joey/debian/

  / Martin Schulze  *  Debian Linux Maintainer  *  joey@debian.org /
 / http://www.debian.org/       http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for!   /

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