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New Package: felt 3.0

Source: felt
Section: math
Priority: optional
Maintainer: Alen Zekulic <azekulic@fesb.hr>

Package: felt
Architecture: i386
Depends: ${shlibs:Depends}
Description: FElt a package for introductory level finite element analysis.
 FElt is a free system for introductory level finite element analysis. 
 It is primarily intended as a teaching tool for introductory type 
 courses in finite elements - probably in the mechanical/structural/civil 
 fields. In a command line environment, FElt uses an intuitive, 
 straightforward input syntax to describe problems. It also includes a 
 graphical user interface for workstations that allows the user to set-up, 
 solve and post-process the problem in a single CAD-like environment.
Suggests: felt-doc

Package: felt-doc
Architecture: all
Description: FElt User's Guide and Reference Manual
 The file felt-3.00.ps included in this package is a postscript
 document providing a user's manual for the entire package, including 
 mathematical and algorithmic details and programming notes.

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