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Uploading manpages-de 0.1-4 (German section 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 manpages)

Good day folks,

Here is a new release of german manpages.

To enable thdee manpagde set LC_MESSAGES to 'de_DE'.  Man will then
search for german manpages under /usr/man/de_DE (this directory
should be added to the MANDB_MAPs in etc/manpath.conf for catmans to
be stored).

#include changde

Have a nice day,

-- Begin Changes --

Date: 29 Jul 96 22:15:43 UT
Format: 1.5
Distribution: unstable
Binary: manpages-de
Source: manpages-de
Architecture: source all buzz-fixes
Version: 0.1-4
Maintainer: Martin Schulze <joey@debian.org>
Description: German section 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, and 8 manpages
Priority: Routine
 9478ea4c702823311c13cb3c0b73f552 227942 doc - manpages-de-0.1-4.all.deb
 0b073525acd5dc76f30e2e98364825d0 143899 doc - manpages-de-0.1-4.diff.gz
 77b070b17df05c5bb4d17f71ad4ee40f 230465 doc - manpages-de-0.1-4.tar.gz
 * /usr/man/de_DE instead of /usr/man/de
 * Added notice to /usr/doc/manpagde-de 

-- End Changes --

PS: As usual first in ftp.infodrom.north.de in /pub/people/joey/debian/

  / Martin Schulze  *  Debian Linux Maintainer  *  joey@debian.org /
 / http://www.debian.org/       http://www.infodrom.north.de/~joey/
/  Never trust an operating system you don't have sources for!  /

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