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sysklogd-1.2-16 uploaded

After some confusion within the last week, here's a fixed package of

Date:  Sat Oct 28 17:04:09 MET 1995
Package:  sysklogd
Version:  1.2-16
Description:  System and kernel logging daemon
Priority: high if you have installed version -13, -14 or -15, low otherwise.
Changes: mostly: confusion with controlfile and name, also too long message.
 see ChangeLog for clear information

sysklogd-1.2-16.deb         23927 binary/base
sysklogd-1.2-16.diff.gz     15778 source/base
sysklogd-1.2-16.tar.gz      36288 source/base
9adbfdea47dfe5eb071b3a3f8efe880a  sysklogd-1.2-16.deb
495def195479ae20c816f6473654cd12  sysklogd-1.2-16.diff.gz
ab4c48a70f690de8d329f0e18600afd6  sysklogd-1.2-16.tar.gz



   / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
  / +49-441-777884  *  Login&Passwd: nuucp  *  Index: ~/ls-lR.gz  /
 /              Whenever you meet yourself you're in a time loop /
/http://home.pages.de/~joey/            or in front of a mirror /

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