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xypic 3.2-3 wait wait until mflib 1.0-6 is there

Please don't update too soon, this xypic package depends on the new
coming texbin, mfbin and mflib. 
Date:  Tue Oct 31 16:57:10 MET 1995
Package:  xypic
Version:  3.2-3
Description:  Typesetting graphs and diagrams with TeX.
Priority:  Don't install unless you have mflib-1.0-6 or higher
Changes:  * Uses install-fmt-base which is in mflib 1.0-6
          * Changed documentation directory
# File: <name> <size> <md5sum> <destination>
File: xypic-3.2-3.deb 336863 a84bd2f04cc3f8519feffce539030d3e binary/tex
File: xypic-3.2-3.diff.gz 6004 9cf80a796c56f9996a9c38c9f64bb77e source/tex
File: xypic-3.2-3.tar.gz 623017 58bed7f5f4502434d44e3917035fc380 source/tex
Erick Branderhorst@heel.fgg.eur.nl +31-10-4635142
Department of General Surgery (Intensive Care) University Hospital Rotterdam NL

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