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adduser-1.94-2 released

Date:  Mon Oct 23 18:43:31 MET 1995
Package:  adduser
Version:  1.94-2
Description:  Utilities to add users and groups to the system.
 * Makefile: moved symlink creation from postinst/prerm into 
             the build stage
 * debian.postinst, debian.prerm: deleted
 * adduser.8: changed documentation for --home feature
 * adduser.pl: fixed some file locking races (Bug#1720)
 * adduser.pl: create home directory with setgid bit when 
               using usergroups (Bug#1544)
 * adduser.pl: corrected permissions for copies of /etc/skel
               files (Bug#1544)
 * adduser.pl: run /usr/local/sbin/adduser.local if it exists
               (patch for this feature provided in Bug#1544)
 * adduser.pl: now always does chown before chmod
               (Bug#1544, Bug#1720)
 * adduser.pl: now correctly copies dot files from /etc/skel
 * adduser.pl: now gives informative message when called from
               a non-root user (Bug#1350)
 * adduser.pl: enforces that user names are never longer than
               8 characters (Bug#1241)
 * adduser.pl: now copies everything below /etc/skel (Bug#1542)
# File: <name> <size> <md5sum> <destination>
File: adduser-1.94-2.tar.gz 24448 70fa124c71e5b709019f6729eb8cfe11 source/misc
File: adduser-1.94-2.deb 13122 847dfb732aa3e994f1917d27ffc20eb3 binary/misc

There are still outstanding bug reports for this package.

Sven Rudolph (sr1@inf.tu-dresden.de); WWW : http://www.sax.de/~sr1/

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