boot-floppies updated
Date: Sun Oct 1 13:53:48 PDT 1995
Package: boot-floppies
Version: 0.93.6-6
Description: Scripts to create the Debian installation floppy set.
Priority: high for distribution creators, low for everyone else.
Changes: add "setserial" package, move "ae" package into base,
Make floppy_split and floppy_merge communicate the creation-date of the
floppies, fix errors in floppy_merge, make more informative failure report
in floppy_merge, have floppy_merge wait for ENTER after an error report.
# File: <name> <size> <md5sum> <destination>
File: boot-floppies-0.93.6-6.deb 15431 9c72213a416be385a32880eeff6bdc75 binary/devel
File: boot-floppies-0.93.6-6.tar.gz 10007 6e4544982f2b2f16ea90271e1b5694d2 source/devel
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