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syslogd updated

Date:  Thu Sep 14 18:07:13 PDT 1995
Package:  syslogd
Version:  1.2-11
Description:  Kernel and system logging daemons.
Priority: low
Changes: Martin Schulze <joey@finlandia.infodrom.north.de> added manual pages,
 changed the names of a few files to conform to the main sysklogd release,
 and (I think) made /etc/init.d/sysklogd use start-stop-daemon (unless Ian
 Murdock did that).
 I made a trivial change so that it would compile even though your system
 has iovec defined in sys/uio.h separately from the definition in linux/uio.h .
 I added a pre-inst script to move files around to make up for the name
 changes. I changed the /etc/init.d/sysklogd file to use the pid files in
 /var/run when it stops the daemons.
# File: <name> <size> <md5sum> <destination>
File: sysklogd-1.2-11.deb 23897 dc6b189b44e762936123fe45d3478f26 binary/base
File: sysklogd-1.2-11.diff.gz 15143 09b1dd1c0e1b6beee27e9ab9a1237929 source/base
File: sysklogd-1.2-11.tar.gz 35711 789f5149e6087cb74a79616c5c954d2f source/base

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