rawrite2 replaces rawrite3
Package: rawrite
Version: 2
Date: Wed Aug 30 10:02:51 PDT 1995
Description: DOS program to copy flopyy disk images to floppy disks.
There is currently no Debian package containing these files.
Priority: high for boot disk creators. REPLACE RAWRITE3 WITH RAWRITE2.
Changes: Rawrite3, it turns out, is not a progression from rawrite2, but
a more visually exciting derivative of rawrite1. Rawrite2 contains technical
improvements not present in rawrite3. Rawrite3 won't work in certain
dos-emulator-box environments in which Rawrite2 operates correctly. Rawrite2
is also said to be much faster.
File: rawrite2.c 11659 631623358d127e120b4c6417d0d55e04 tools
File: rawrite2.exe 17863 d8a0e813566f75d6208b7376c9d9fc18 tools
File: rawrite2.txt 1639 9eaa2b84c0e6e5fc6da673626cec9f06 tools
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