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Bug#1031696: Use of symbolic links in non-free ISO images breaks file system transposition support


Just going to report that I have tested media creation from the 2023-03-13 version of debian-testing-amd64-netinst.iso, using only the Windows native utilities (i.e. formatting a USB drive to FAT32 using Windows Disk manager and mounting the ISO and copying the files using Windows File Explorer) and I can report that everything looks good:

1. The .deb files in /firmware/ are now being listed by File Explorer, and therefore copied over.
2. The installer does successfully boot and detect the installation media.

Now, I don't have a platform where any of the /firmware/ files are relevant, so I haven't been able to validate that part, but seeing that the .deb are present and successfully copied over, I don't anticipate an issue.

Thus, as far as I am concerned, this bug can be closed, and I would like to thank everyone who devoted some of their time to ensure that a fix was applied in a very timely manner.

On 2023.03.15 07:48, Thomas Schmitt wrote:
Besides such user pitfalls with the produced ISO and the problem of
symbolic links there are other constraints which an ISO has to fulfill
for this use case.
At least:
- The file tree of the FAT filesystem in the EFI partition needs to be
   mirrored by a copy in the ISO filesystem.

Indeed. That used to be less of an issue when Linux installation media used to treat the whole media as the ESP, but the move towards using self-contained efi.img does indeed mean that FST will only work if the distro maintainers do take care of duplicating the efi.img content at the ISO-9660 file system level (or use a utility, like grub-mkrescue, that will do that for them).

As far as Debian is concerned, this is not currently an issue, as Debian does not use an efi.img.

- File names must be unique in respect to case-insensitive comparison.

True, though I have yet to encounter any installation media where someone had named two file/folders in the same directory with the same name but different capitalization. I'm pretty sure that we can count on people mastering an image to avoid that, as it would be very confusing to have different files/folders at the same level, that differ only from capitalization.

So I think we can discount this as a corner case that's unlikely to be an issue.

- (I am not sure whether file name length can be a problem.)

From what I can see, the maximum individual file name length when using Joliet extensions is 128 "characters" (I'm not going to go into Unicode glyphs vs characters here) and 255 for Rock Ridge. The latter is also the maximum maximum individual file name length for FAT32 with long names. So, even if Debian tends to have fairly long names for some .deb packages, I don't anticipate much of an issue. And case sensitivity isn't an issue either, meaning that looking for a mixed case file name on FAT32 will resolve properly, even as the underlying file system is not exactly one that could be qualified as case sensitive.

I guess Pete Batard can give a more comprehensive list.

Well, once you eliminate the search of installation media by label (which Debian doesn't do), the lack of symbolic links, which is what we've been dealing with here, is actually the biggest limitation of trying to work with FAT.

Otherwise, it's really the volume labelling constraints of FAT that's the most problematic, because, this time, you *must* use UPPERCASE and a few very limited subset of non alphanum characters for FAT labels, and you are also limited to 11 characters, which is very very short. The end result of this is that, pretty much any Linux distro that does a search of the installation media by label, and doesn't pay attention to file system transposition to FAT, is likely to use a regular mixed case label that is also longer than 11 characters, and you must alter the GRUB/Syslinux kernel options in the config files is you ever want that media to work with FST.

Finally, to be completely comprehensive, though this is not an actually constraint of the FAT file system, but one of Windows, I am going to point out that if you are using Windows' native utilities, you won't be able format a partition that is larger than 64 GB to FAT32, which can come as an issue for users who picked a large USB Flash Drive. However, you can either use non native utilities to format larger partitions to FAT32 (since this is not a limitation of the File System, just of the default Windows utilities) or you can always create a partition that is small enough to be formatted to FAT32 and leave the rest of the media free.



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