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Bug#1011343: WISHLIST: Offical ALL-IN-ONE images?


i wrote:
> > I began to ponder about a shortcut in libisofs which would trust the
> > checksum file (-checksum-list , -md5-list) enough to omit the reading of
> > all the package files' content.

Steve McIntyre wrote:
> Cute idea (grin!), but it's a non-started - we wouldn't be able to
> generate the various checksums for the whole image.

Yeah. Ain't it sad ?

> > Would more than one empty line between paragraphs damage the readability ?

> Not sure, to be honest.

So i will have to let my script think more. (It's at 287 lines, meanwhile.)

> Might just work, yeah!

My script does meanwhile:
- Take as arguments the paths of
  boot_iso  boot_mount_directory  add_iso  add_mount_directory  result_iso
- Mount the bootable ISO (e.g. debian-11.3.0-amd64-DLBD-1.iso) and the
  add-on ISO (e.g. debian-11.3.0-amd64-DLBD-2.iso).
- Determine the release name $dist of the bootable ISO (e.g. "bullseye").
- Copy /dists and /md5sum.txt from bootable ISO to local working directory.
- Merge the /md5sum.txt of both ISOs.
- Read the paths from first checksummed file lists of both
  /dists/$dist/Release files, sort and uniq them. (I don't bet that both
  have the same list, although DVD-1 and DVD-2 have the same.)
- Merge the namesake .gz files from that list (if both exist) or copy .gz
  file from the add-on ISO (if not yet in bootable ISO).
- Create a new file /dists/$dist/Release with the header lines from the
  file in the bootable ISO and freshly computed checksums of the merged
- Produce the bootable result_iso, overwriting /dists and /md5sum.txt
  by the altered copies from the local directory.

This can be repeated by using result_iso as new boot_iso and another add_iso
and a new result_iso name.


How can i verify that the resulting ISO properly announces all its
packages ?
(If i install it to a VM, what must i do to challenge its completeness ?)

Have a nice day :)


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