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Same hashfiles for files that should be different from each other?

Both debian-live-9.8.0-i386-lxde.contents and debian-live-9.8.0-i386-mate.contents have all the same hashes.
Both debian-live-9.8.0-amd64-lxde.contents and debian-live-9.8.0-amd64-mate.contents have all the same hashes.
It is quite possible that two of these four files should have different contents.

See https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/amd64/iso-hybrid/
and https://cdimage.debian.org/debian-cd/current-live/i386/iso-hybrid/.

Greetings from Evert Kuijpers, Tilburg in The Netherlands, hysssop@gmail.com

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