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Re: Draft for D-I Jessie RC2

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 08:55:21PM +0100, Cyril Brulebois wrote:
> Karsten Merker <merker@debian.org> (2015-03-26):

> > due to https://bugs.debian.org/773645 offline hd-media installations do
> > not work for arm platforms. It is disputable whether this is a debian-cd
> > or d-i (no hard dependency on u-boot-tools in d-i/flash-kernel, cf.
> > https://bugs.debian.org/780994) issue, but it should perhaps be noted
> > in the errata if it cannot be taken care of during building the d-i RC2
> > disk images.
> > 
> > Steve: AFAICS that should be solvable by adding a line with "u-boot-tools"
> > to tasks/jessie/forcd1 in debian-cd.  Could you perhaps apply that change
> > before generating the images?
> Build's already happening, so that'll be for RC3. I'll happily take
> title and full description for the errata entry.

Network connectivity required during hd-media installs on several
armel/armhf/arm64 platforms

On several armel/armhf/arm64 platforms, hd-media based installs

a) use only the first CD/DVD and 
b) have not been configured to use a network mirror

fail in the "make the system bootable" step.  The reason is that
to make the system bootable, those platforms require the
u-boot-tools package, which is not available on the first CD/DVD. 
If a network mirror has been configured during the installation,
the missing package is downloaded automatically and the
installation succeeds.

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