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Weekly builds for Debian Pure Blends images


(Please CC me on replies, I'm not subscribed to this list)

I'd like to start having weekly builds based on stretch for the Debian
Hamradio Blend (http://blends.debian.org/hamradio/). So far I've been
building images using the live-build framework manually and the images have
been hosted by the SDF Public Access Unix system. It's time to get these
automated and hosted on official Debian infrastructure.

The metapackages used to install the hamradio related packages are currently
in unstable (having left NEW earlier today) and so still need to migrate to
testing, so the images are not currently buildable. Previously I was using a
privately hosted repository to serve these.

I have the live-build configs in a git repository at:


I do also intend to package this so that the sources are available in the
Debian archives, but haven't got to this yet. The debian/ folder is
currently broken in this git repository.

For building weekly images, the best way I see for doing this is to have a
cron job that pulls the latest HEAD from the master branch of the
repository, runs lb config and lb build on each of the images and then moves
the built images somewhere to be hosted (and pulled to mirrors).

I am open to doing the builds in a different way, but I would like to use
the live-build framework as I've found it to work well for this purpose.


e: irl@fsfe.org            w: iain.learmonth.me
x: irl@jabber.fsfe.org     t: EPVPN 2105
c: 2M0STB                  g: IO87we
p: 1F72 607C 5FF2 CCD5 3F01 600D 56FF 9EA4 E984 6C49

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