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Some CD image torrents "not authorized for use".

I'm trying to download a couple of CD images from the recent 6.0.2 release
via BitTorrent, but they don't all appear to have been authorized on the
tracker, bttracker.debian.org.

The ones I'm having trouble with are:

 * debian-
 * firmware-

There may be others that are not authorized, but I was able to
successfully download debian-

...computer contrarian of the first order... / http://aperiodic.net/phil/
PGP: 026A27F2  print: D200 5BDB FC4B B24A 9248  9F7A 4322 2D22 026A 27F2
--- --
<merisa> I can find sense in lain, what the hell is WRONG with Katz?
         Don't answer.
                       -- seen on #megazeux
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