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Re: Debian 6.0.1 ia64 DVD release looks strange

Konstantin Vlasov wrote:
>Good day, everybody.
>In the 6.0.1 release directories there is something strange for the DVD version of the ia64
>architecture: 45 iso files each of ~700 Mb size does not look like DVD release at all despite of
>names debian-6.0.1-ia64-DVD-{1..45}.iso. :-)
>Is there somewhere an alternative location with more "real-life" DVD version?

Apologies, you've just found a bug in the CD/DVD creation run from
last weekend. I'm working on it now, expect a new release (6.0.1a)

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, A state of bliss

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