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Re: (2nd try) Add extra page at /CD/verify.html

On Wed, Mar 16, 2011 at 06:23:41PM +0000, Steve McIntyre wrote:
>Patch v2 after comments from taffit on IRC:
> * use HTML entities for quotes, < and >
> * move the key data out to a separate file to reduce potential
>   translation noise
> * clean up use of #use wml::debian::release_info

Minor fix for CD-keys.data.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
Welcome my son, welcome to the machine.
pub   1024D/88C7C1F7 1999-01-30
      Key fingerprint = AC65 6D79 E362 32CF 77BB  B0E8 7C3B 7970 88C7 C1F7
uid                  Steve McIntyre &lt;93sam@debian.org&gt;
uid                  Debian CD signing key &lt;debian-cd@lists.debian.org&gt;

pub   1024D/F6A32A8E 2000-09-16
      Key fingerprint = 3F0A 12FC 0B55 A917 D791  82D3 72FD C205 F6A3 2A8E
uid                  Santiago Garcia Mantinan (manty) &lt;manty@debian.org&gt;
sub   1024g/8D0EB704 2000-09-16

pub   1024D/4B2B2B9E 2004-06-20
      Key fingerprint = 709F 54E4 ECF3 1956 2332  6AE3 F82E 5CC0 4B2B 2B9E
uid                  Daniel Baumann &lt;daniel@debian.org&gt;
sub   1024g/19ED1B2F 2004-06-20

pub   4096R/5CEE3195 2009-05-21
      Key fingerprint = D2FB 633A DDC2 0485 CBCE  6D12 39BE 2D72 5CEE 3195
uid                  Daniel Baumann &lt;daniel@debian.org&gt;
sub   4096R/E7D77F65 2009-05-21

pub   4096R/64E6EA7D 2009-10-03
      Key fingerprint = 1046 0DAD 7616 5AD8 1FBC  0CE9 9880 21A9 64E6 EA7D
uid                  Debian CD signing key &lt;debian-cd@lists.debian.org&gt;

pub   4096R/6294BE9B 2011-01-05
      Key fingerprint = DF9B 9C49 EAA9 2984 3258  9D76 DA87 E80D 6294 BE9B
uid                  Debian CD signing key &lt;debian-cd@lists.debian.org&gt;
sub   4096R/11CD9819 2011-01-05

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