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Re: Jigdo search still broken.


On Thu, Nov 11, 2010 at 08:01:35PM +0100, Simon Paillard wrote:
> As we've just got another report about jigdo search, I wonder if there are
> updates about moving this service to get it operationnal.

Hi, it's still on my TODO list, though unfortunately I have been rather 
busy with other things lately.

The thing is also: It's not ideal to put it on my own webspace again, nor 
to use Phil's VM, since neither is an official Debian machine. So either 
way, it would only be a temporary solution. :-|

By the way, thanks for your help with CD vendor entries, Simon - very much 
appreciated! :)


  __   ,
  | ) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
  | \/ |  http://atterer.org  |  08A9 7B7D 3D13 3EF2 3D25  D157 79E6 F6DC 8883 54F7

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