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Re: What CDs and DVDs should we produce for lenny?

On Wed, Mar 19, 2008 at 10:14:50AM +1300, Philip Charles wrote:
> Note the previous comments by some mirror masters, Jigdo loads their 
> systems more than a normal download.

To be fair, Mattias and Attila are/were the admins of the _primary_ ISO 
image mirrors. For a typical Debian package mirror, the performance 
difference (of jigdo vs. also serving ISOs via HTTP) might not be so 
pronounced, and the space savings might make up for the lower performance.

Also, right now there are 350 package mirrors, but only 144 ISO mirrors (of 
which 132 also have packages [0]). More widespread use of jigdo would take 
away the load from the ISO mirrors, both because people also use the 
package mirrors to download ISOs, and because memory pressure is reduced on 
the CD mirrors, as both ISO and package downloaders access the same files.

Finally, depending on the filesystem used it might be possible to optimize 
the disk layout to reduce the number of seeks: Make copies of all the .deb 
files required by a jigdo-based ISO download, and only delete the originals 
after the last copy has been made. That way, if the filesystem is not too 
fragmented, it is likely that the copies will be adjacent to each other on 
the disk now.



gawk '/^Archive-(ht|f)tp/{a=1} /^CDImage-(ht|f)tp/{c=1} /^$|^Comment/{aa+=a;cc+=c;b+=a*c;a=c=0} END{printf("%d package mirrors, %d iso mirrors, %d both\n",aa,cc,b)}' Mirrors.masterlist
  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  GnuPG key: 888354F7
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  08A9 7B7D 3D13 3EF2 3D25  D157 79E6 F6DC 8883 54F7
  ¯ '` ¯

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