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Bug#507706: Missing sources for d-i components/kernel of etch-n-half images

Package: cdimage.debian.org
Severity: serious


unfortunately, a similar issue as with #497471 arised.

for 4.0r4, the debian-installer was built with the same etch-n-half
kernel images that are available in the archive and thus also in the
source images.

for 4.0r5 this changed - it is now using a kernel (lenny 2.6.26) that is
*not* in the archive of etch and thus did not make it automatically in
the source images.

it could be argued about if source-distribution for the etch-n-half d-i
kernel is considered fulfiled by the fact that *for that very moment*
the sources for that kernel are present in the lenny archive (i think
it's not arguable, but IANAL).

in the case it will be considered as source distribution, the
etch-n-half images do lack a written offer attached where that
particular missing pieces compared to the source images of 4.0r5 can be
optained from, and is therefore a GPL violation.

in the case it will not be considered as source distribution (which is
my point of view on that matter), it's GPL violation anyway.

unrelated to which case will be considered, it's also a debian policy
violation since debian wants to only distribute self-contained
distributions, means binaries and sources together in order to also
remove them at the same time, and not having to keep sources arround.

apart from the missing kernel sources, i *think* also the sources for
the lenny d-i components (which is what is beeing used in the
etch-n-half d-i initrd) itself are missing, but havent checked that yet.


Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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