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Re: No more rsync access to cdimage.debian.org::debian-cd/

On Mon, 4 Aug 2008, SWITCHmirror Admins wrote:


since August 2. all 40 slots are used and my rsync client cannot connect anymore.

Are all these 40 connections still active or do some hang?

It takes about a week for cdimage.debian.org to clear up the rsync access for all the mirrors using it after a new point release. We can sustain 20-30MB/s or so on rsync load, and there is probably a couple of hundred mirrors trying to grab on average a hundred gigs or so...

We are working on getting the speed up by a factor 3-5 or so, hopefully by this fall. This still means there will be a day or three with cdimage.d.o clogged up by mirrors though.

And in general, if any mirror wants to get the images faster, set up jigdo mirroring so that you will build the vast majority of data locally from a local debian mirror. Then ask me for a username and password for priority access to rsync. Something like the stuff available on:


/Mattias Wadenstein

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