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Re: Assistance with getting Debian-cd to include source code

On Sat, Oct 27, 2007 at 11:26:30AM +1300, Christopher Gregory wrote:
>Hello Everyone,
>Well for some unknown reason, debian-cd decided to work for me after my
>earlier post that the subversion build would not work.
>I now really would appreciate assistance as I can not find out from
>google nor the help file for debian-cd how I am meant to get it to
>produce dvd's of the source code.
>The build_all.sh script included with debian-cd says that it will build
>the sources, however after trying multiple times it only produces
>the .iso files for the binary packages.
>It is not listed anywhere in the CONF.sh file, though I have tried
>putting it there as an export like this:
> export SOURCE=1  ( which did not work)
>export INC_SOURCE=1  (also did not work)
>export INC_SOURCE=yes  ( I found this in the Makefile, but also this did
>not work).

"./build.sh source"

should do what you need. Source is treated as (essentially) just
another architecture at the top level. Older versions treated source
specially, but not any more.

Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK.                                steve@einval.com
Is there anybody out there?

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