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SoC proposal: Asking about the tasks and features

Hello all,

A sort introduction, because this is my first message in this list.

My name is Eder L. Marques, and I'm a Brazilian veteran Debian user. I'm
  involved directly with Debian in the l10n-portuguese team[1] and
debian testing security team[2]. Also, I'm a member of the
DebianBrasil[3] project, and founder of the Ceara's Debian User Group[4]
- Brazil.

This year I would like to participate of the Google Summer of Code, with
the project Debian CD Tester. I read the wiki's proposal[5], and saw
some good ideas.

My objective is to build a set of tools, in perl, that implement the
most common checks (listed on wiki), and get a feedback from the
debian-cd users to check what problems they have, then also implement
corrections or checks for this errors.

I spoke with the project's mentor (Steve McIntyre) by irc, and get some

I saw the the DebianCdTODO is no longer updated, and there isn't a
thread about SoC in this list, but some in the debian-project list(I
read all of the messages, via Archives).

Before submit a proposal to SoC, I would like to talk with you about the
known bugs, common mistakes and problems in your work on the debian-cd
stuff. Also, get answers for some questions:

which the expectations about the SoC project?

What the most important things that we want to be fixed with the project?

How you expect that the project be made?

Having you more ideas about the project?

I would like to do a best proposal (and project), and talking here is
the best place to do it.

Kind regards,

1- http://i18n.debian.net/debian-l10n/portuguese/pt.by_translator.html
2- http://alioth.debian.org/projects/secure-testing/
3- http://www.debianbrasil.org/
4- http://www.debian-ce.org/
5- http://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2007/DebianCdTester

Eder L. Marques

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