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Bug#420313: Not just aptitude

clone 420313 -1
reassign -1 release-notes
severity -1 important
tags -1 - wontfix

(Note to submitter: if you want your follow-ups to be read by developers, 
do _not_ send them to <bugnr>-quiet@b.d.o, but to <bugnr>@b.d.o!)

On Sunday 22 April 2007 01:15, Filipus Klutiero wrote:
> I upgraded from Sarge to Etch using Etch i386 DVD 1, which saved much
> download. I was however unable to explain that APT wouldn't use the DVD
> after that upgrade. # apt-get update; didn't complain, and apt-cache
> policy gave no clue. Removing the mirror from my sources, I see when
> trying to install something on the DVD that APT asks me whether I want
> to install without verification. Had I not red this bug report by luck,
> I'm not sure I'd have figured it out.

You are correct in the sense that this should be mentioned prominently in 
the Release Notes. Cloning there.

To summarize:
If a user uses CD/DVDs to upgrade from Sarge to Etch, those will no longer 
be considered valid sources after apt has been upgraded because the 
Release file on CD/DVD images is not signed.

This can be solved by adding the following in the apt configuration:
APT::Authentication::TrustCDROM "true";

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