Bug#418195: netinst/bc: README contains para irrelevant
On Sun, Apr 08, 2007 at 12:57:23AM +0200, Frans Pop wrote:
>Index: data/etch/README.html.in
>--- data/etch/README.html.in (revision 1397)
>+++ data/etch/README.html.in (working copy)
>@@ -293,7 +293,13 @@
> </tt>
> <P>
> which means that this disc is number DISKNUM of a set of TOTALNUM discs.
>+This image only contains those programs needed to install a system. During the
>+installation you will be prompted for a network mirror from where additional
>+programs will be retrieved.
The new language is a little off, I think. Maybe:
"During the installation you will be prompted for the location of a
network mirror that contains any additional packages you wish to
> #if TYPEbinary
> It contains programs ("binaries") for `ARCH' computers.
> #if ARCHia64 && !ARCHamd64
>@@ -302,11 +308,15 @@
> please see the Debian amd64 architecture.
> #endif
> <P>
> The programs on the Binary discs are ordered by popularity. The Binary-1 disc
> contains the most popular programs and the installation tools; it is possible
>-to install and run Debian with only the Binary-1 disc. The other discs, up to
>-Binary-TOTALNUM, contain mostly special-interest programs.
>+to install and run Debian with only the Binary-1 disc.
>+#if TOTALNUM > 1
>+The other discs, up to Binary-TOTALNUM, contain mostly special-interest programs.
I think we've grown too much to claim that anything after disc#1 is
just "special-interest". Is there better wording for this?
> The Release Notes for "etch" are available on the <A
> href="http://www.debian.org/releases/etch/releasenotes">Debian web
>@@ -443,7 +453,7 @@
> HREF="http://bugs.debian.org/">bugs.debian.org</A>.
> <LI>If you're reporting bugs against this disc or the installation
> system, please also mention the version of this disc; this can be
>-found in the file <a href="/.disk/info">/.disk/info</a>.
>+found in the file <a href="./.disk/info">/.disk/info</a>.
> #endif
> #if OFFICIAL_VAL == 2
> <LI>This is an official release of the Debian system. Please report any
>@@ -451,7 +461,7 @@
> HREF="http://bugs.debian.org/">bugs.debian.org</A>.
> <LI>If you're reporting bugs against this disc or the installation
> system, please also mention the version of this disc; this can be
>-found in the file <a href="/.disk/info">/.disk/info</a>.
>+found in the file <a href="./.disk/info">/.disk/info</a>.
> #endif
> <br>
>@@ -483,18 +493,18 @@
> <P>
> You can install packages from the commandline using
>- <tt>apt-get</tt>. For example, if you want to install the packages
>+ <tt>aptitude</tt>. For example, if you want to install the packages
> `commprog' and `maxgame', you can give the command
> <P>
> <tt>
>- apt-get install commprog maxgame
>+ aptitude install commprog maxgame
> </tt>
> <P>
> Note that you don't have to enter the complete path, or the
> `<tt>.deb</tt>' extension. `Apt' will figure this out itself.
> <P>
>- Or use aptitude for a full screen interactive selection of available
>- Debian packages.
>+ Or enter just <tt>aptitude</tt> to interactively select available Debian
>+ packages using a full screen user interface.
> #endif
Cool otherwise. Oh, should we maybe mention synaptic/adept/whatever as
well here?
Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com
"C++ ate my sanity" -- Jon Rabone
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