I've actually (shock!) found the time to get some real work started on the debian-cd changes I've been promising for a while. I've branched debian-cd in svn, and my new work will be going on at svn://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-cd/v3_working_branch There's nothing new to see there just yet. The first, most disruptive change I've started on is changing the order that things happen. I want to get away from guesstimating up-front what will fit on each disk, and instead make them fit directly by running mkisofs and checking the size. See item#6 in http://lists.debian.org/debian-cd/2005/07/msg00087.html and the thread that followed. This major change means rearranging quite a bit of the internal structure of debian-cd, hence I'm planning on doing it as quickly as possible. -- Steve McIntyre, Cambridge, UK. steve@einval.com "It's actually quite entertaining to watch ag129 prop his foot up on the desk so he can get a better aim." [ seen in ucam.chat ]
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