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Status of cdimage mirroring

It has now become clear that farbror.acc.umu.se should take on the name
cdimage.debian.org soon so if you'd like to bugtest the machine (serving
rsync, ftp & http) or have any objections, now would be a good time to
poke me about them.

Since there might be uncertanties about filenames, these seem like a
sensible suggestion:

that is debian-{$release|snapshot}-{$arch-binary|source}-$n.iso

Do we really need to include the "-binary" part or wouldn't just $arch be
enough? Of course, just using this would mean that renaming and jigdo
hacking wouldn't be necessary. :)

Also a few more push-triggered mirrors would be really nice. I'll write an
email about this to the mirrors list soon too.

/Mattias Wadenstein - the cdimage mirroring guy

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