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cdimage push mirroring

I'm setting up cdimage push mirroring now. For this I need the script
tested and I need a couple of more hosts that can do push-triggered
mirroring for the new distribution tree.

Current offers are from:
So europe seems to be covered decently, US hosts would be very

The script and stuff is here:


It requires jigdo with jigdo-mirror installed. Read the REAME.

The outline of the script is:
* Delete the files in ::debian-cd/images/ that aren't on the master
* Mirror ::debian-cd/jigdo/
* Generate images from the dir pointed to by "current" with jigdo-mirror
* rsync all of ::debian-cd to get symlinks and dates and stuff and be sure
everything got there correctly

Questions, comments, suggestions, patches, rants, flames, donations to me
and/or the list.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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