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Creating jigdo files without loal file access


In short, I want to produce jigdo files for the Debian/Hurd CD set, but I don't have access to, don't want to setup , and don't have the space for a mirror.

I tried to get some script fetch the lslR-file from a mirror and filter it to match the paths and filenames, but this did not work, as I can only compare names, at best file size and modification date, but this is not the method ment for jigdo. in detail: I loop-mounted an image, filtered the filelist from the Debian mirror, and fed this list to jigdo, which then created the .jigdo and .template files using only the image (as file and mounted). But my images are always incomplete, and getting the paths corrctly preprocessed is quite difficult.

So I thought about getting the checksums direct from the server, preferebly by rsync, as rsync has to do this anyway. It would be helpfull if jigdo would support some kind of "give me the remote path and checksum and I will see if we can use it"-feature. Then I would just feed in all files with checksum and paths and jigdo selects the appropriate ones. Butt I guess, I'll have to do this externally.

This method would be quite usefull for a lot of things, as you do not
always have file system level access to servers holding the files.

I just read the jigdo man page again and more concentrated. I found the md5sum command. I wonder if there is a way for getting something like this out of rsync. I found out that rsync uses at least md4, so I don't know if these are compatible.


Engineers motto: cheap, good, fast: choose any two
Patrick Strasser <pstrasser at sbox dot tugraz dot at>
Student of Telematik, Techn. University Graz, Austria

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