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Re: sarge i386 dvd image with jigdo

spam.me.please@root.mw wrote:
I have been trying to get a dvd image of sarge-i386 for the last few days. I used the latest jigdo file from ftp.fsn.hu (21.September 2003), and am now at the point of getting 'file not found' errors. Obviously the jigdo file is too old.
The machine generates the i386 stuff on sunday, but there were some problems during the weekend, so the process went wrong. The new ones are ready, I am currently uploading them to ftp.fsn.hu, so you should check back some hours later.

Currently the file seems to have dissapeared, nore are there any replacements. On http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/ it says that these files are regenerated weekly! Obviously there is a problem somewhere along the line.
Erm, could you please wrap your lines?

Im quite desperate to get a working dvd sarge-i386 image and would be grateful if anybody could point me to a current dvd *.jigdo file for sarge-i386, or point out some alternatives. (no I do not feel like downloading 2 5Gb images - I would prefer using jigdo)
You will find them soon at the previous place.

Attila Nagy                                   e-mail: Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Free Software Network (FSN.HU)           phone @work: +361 210 1415/127
ISOs: http://www.fsn.hu/?f=download            cell.: +3630 306 6758

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