Bug#175952: marked as done (cdimage.debian.org: 3.0r1 and jigdo: current/ does still point to 3.0r0)
Your message dated Sun, 12 Jan 2003 00:11:36 +0100
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and subject line Bug#175952: cdimage.debian.org: 3.0r1 and jigdo: current/ does still point to 3.0r0
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Debian bug tracking system administrator
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From: Alexander Zangerl <az@debian.org>
To: Debian Bug Tracking System <submit@bugs.debian.org>
Subject: cdimage.debian.org: 3.0r1 and jigdo: current/ does still point to 3.0r0
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Package: cdimage.debian.org
Version: N/A; reported 2003-01-09
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the cd/jigdo page at http://www.debian.org/CD/jigdo-cd/
lists as jigdo locations
and http://non-us.cdimage.debian.org/jigdo-area/current/jigdo/.
the problem: /jigdo-area/current/ points to 3.0r0 on both machines.
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Date: Sun, 12 Jan 2003 00:11:36 +0100
From: Richard Atterer <jan2003@nospam.atterer.net>
To: 175952-done@bugs.debian.org
Subject: Re: Bug#175952: cdimage.debian.org: 3.0r1 and jigdo: current/ does still point to 3.0r0
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The 3.0r1 images are now available.
__ _
|_) /| Richard Atterer | CS student at the Technische | GnuPG key:
| \/¯| http://atterer.net | Universität München, Germany | 0x888354F7
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