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CD Cover Artworks (Policy?)


I saw many CD Cover Artworks at http://www.debian.org/CD/artwork/
But, many of them doesn't contain:
- License
- *.xcf or any editable version

I think, that if an artwork has a link it would be nice, if it has at least
any license about the usage of it. Eg. who can use it, can I modify it, etc.
And I think also, that an artwork in .jpg or .png is unusable. Because, the
debian CD set contains seven CD's not one. So, if sy. make an artwork, he
should do:
a; 7 front + 7 back .jpg multiply by 11 (+1 source) archs, and my multiply
by 2 because the .jpg and the .png format
b; put out an .xcf file, where I can change the arch's name and the serial


Pásztor György  JATE PTM IV.          /        Napi idézet:
SZTE SZK & Ságvári Gimn. Linux rg    /     Minden ember rendőrnek születik,
pasztor@linux.gyakg.u-szeged.hu       /      csak van, aki továbbtanul.
Mh. Tel.:(62) 544-415 Belső:44-15    /

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