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Re: unstable CDs


> But don't expect bootable CD with debian-installer built with debian-cd
> really soon ... you can go with the old boot-floppies in the mean time
> or you can do like the sid CDs (not bootable at all iirc).
Nope. The SID CDs were bootable. But because its SID (aka a development
version) I thought that following the changes in boot-floppies is a good
thing, but that's currently broken (at least this was the case when I last
took a look at that).
I think this isn't really related to SID, because there are only two, or
so modifications needed to be able to install that (for example in
dbootstrap.h and extract_base.c, because woody is the wired distribution
in them).

> What do you want to fix in boot-floppies ?
Nothing :)
But that would be too good.

So, for example it would be good to change those static values in the
above files first. Then currently (at least this was the case about 2 days
ago) dbootstrap lacks the files for sarge, which needs to be generated.

And for the latest boot-floppies (from CVS) there were some issues with
/dev/tty as far as I can remember. I do not have too much time, so
currently I can really follow the changes.
Maybe these were fixed hours ago...

--------[ Free Software ISOs - ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/ ]-------
Attila Nagy					e-mail: Attila.Nagy@fsn.hu
Free Software Network (FSN.HU)		  phone @work: +361 210 1415 (194)
						cell.: +3630 306 6758

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