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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.


El lun, 22-07-2002 a las 07:49, Wookey escribió:
> Riachard - definately something to add to the wishlist - separate temp files
> for each CD so you can set several off building in parallel. I'd also quite
While we are at the wishlist for jigdo, and - congratulations for Woody
3.0! - I would like to add a "small" item.

When a package on the local mirror becomes outdated, the newer version
is downloaded completely.  This is not a big problem with small
packages, but suppose a 150MByte openoffice.deb, which becomes
repackaged because one configfile has changed.

If the download tool(s) could look at the local package cache or mirror
if an older (not-too old?!?) version exist and rsync the newer version
on top of bandwidth could be saved.  This is important at least for us
with low (loooow) bandwidth capacities.  At times I have to recurse even
to telefone links for my updates!

Of course this is not jigdo-functionality but debian-package and version
administration functionality and maybe has to be handled "outside" of

Best Regards,


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