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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.

On 22 Jul 2002, Philip Hands wrote:

> On Mon, 2002-07-22 at 11:54, Attila Nagy wrote:
> > > If you have a desperate need for ISOs, and jigdo doesn't do it for you
> > > for some reason, I do have ISOs available which I may be persuaded to
> > > grant password controlled rsync access to on request, but you'll need a
> > > convincing reason why jigdo doesn't work for you.
> > That means the following from http://www.debian.org/CD/ is not true?
> > "At the moment, the 3.0 rev0 CD images are only available via jigdo.
> > Normal HTTP/FTP downloads will be possible in a few days."
> Both were true --- for different audiences.
> If YOU (or anyone lese reading this) need ISOs, and you've tried jigdo,
> and it doesn't work, and you present the evidence here so we get to
> address the problem, but you still need the ISOs and cannot wait, then
> I'll sort out a password for you.

Well I spoke to Phil on Saturday to try and get a password for rsync of 
the .isos - he gently refused and pointed me at jigdo.

I ran it on a redhat box and have managed to generate the i386 and source 
isos, as well as dvds using jigdo without any major problems.

The biggest bugbear for me is that you cant run multiple instances of 
jigdo in the same directory because they wipe out each others tmp dir 
contents, ...

> As it happens, a couple of sites have appeared with ISOs for download,
> and I expect a few more will soon.

We're already shipping orders from www.cheeplinux.com for cd's and expect 
to have pressed dvd's within 10 days of the images being signed off.

The dvd's will not be branded cheeplinux, but will be generic debian and 
we will be offering them at very attractive prices to other debian cd 
vendors - if anybody is interested email me.




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