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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available.

On Mon, 22 Jul 2002, Attila Nagy wrote:

> Hello,
> > Just in case any of you have been living in a cave, woody was released
> > as stable at Sat 20 Jul, 00:00 GMT (or there abouts)
> Weekend releases (with no chance to get the new files automatically) are
> so great!

Yeah, then you have the whole weekend to get the stuff and set it up
before most people wake up to the news.

> > If you have a desperate need for ISOs, and jigdo doesn't do it for you
> > for some reason, I do have ISOs available which I may be persuaded to
> > grant password controlled rsync access to on request, but you'll need a
> > convincing reason why jigdo doesn't work for you.
> That means the following from http://www.debian.org/CD/ is not true?
> "At the moment, the 3.0 rev0 CD images are only available via jigdo.
> Normal HTTP/FTP downloads will be possible in a few days."
> Or is it for the mirrors, who set up an rsync client to mirror the changes
> automatically and are now sitting in the dark, don't know, how to get the
> files?

Yes, if you don't know how to use jigdo, you won't be able to get isos
from the master sites (at least not yet for a while). The isos are
available on rsync-debcd.acc.umu.se though, but routing from there to your
site is rather bad. I am not aware of any other mirror with them online.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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