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Re: 3.0 released and http://www.debian.org/CD/netinst/

On Mon, Jul 22, 2002 at 12:27:26AM +0200, LarstiQ wrote:
> in my quick grep of some recent threads I couldn't find it, but
> perhaps someone has mentioned it before, the netinst pages still
> mention 2.2 being stable and Woody being unreleased, already I'm
> getting people who are confused by this, so could someone change
> that too ?

Thanks, someone had already reported this (by filing a bug against
www), it should be fixed now.



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer     |  CS student at the Technische  |  GnuPG key:
  | \/¯|  http://atterer.net  |  Universität München, Germany  |  0x888354F7
  ¯ '` ¯

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