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Re: Debian 3.0 released. Jigdo files available and for DVD?

On Saturday 20 July 2002 12:55 pm, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Le Sat, Jul 20, 2002 at 06:27:27PM +0100, Philip Hands écrivait:
> > While we're about it, who has a decent recipe for netboot CDs?  Might as
> > well do the lot while we're about it, we can do a similar test until
> > success approach on them I would think.
> There are 2 kinds of netinst images. Smaller one (around 50mb) and
> bigger one (around 200mb).
> Should we provide both ?
> Anyway, I cced both persons who provide such images. They can provide
> you the details you need to generate the images.
I have modified debian-cd to generate netinst images. You can get my 
modifications here: 

There are instructions in the tarball. I'm going to look into making some 
jigdo files for my images when I get them up-to-date with the 3.0 release.

"das ist liebe, das ist hass / mit eifersucht vermahlen"

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