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Re: Problems trying to download official pre-release CDs using jigdo

Hi Manty, nice timing! ;-)

On Mon, Jul 15, 2002 at 06:50:02PM +0200, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> And could not end downloading it at all, for what I see it doesn't
> even try to use the fallback servers, I don't know if that is
> supposed to be like that or not,

jigdo-easy just doesn't support fallback servers, it never has: It was
written before I added fallback support to jigdo-lite, and Anne had
disappeared by that time.

> but the way on which it is working right now makes me think that
> downloading Debian using jigdo is not going to be posible on
> machines not running Linux.

You can kind of make jigdo-easy work by manually entering the fallback
server when you run it a second time.

> Don't take this as if I'm trying to blame anyone or anything, I just
> wanted to comment this in case somebody was thinking that
> downloading via jigdo with any other than jigdo-lite was gonna be
> easy.
> Comments?

I've been asking people on the mailing list for at least half a year
to help me with a Windows version. There was nobody with an interest
in maintaining it, so nothing happened.

I recently bought a new machine, which made it easier for me to test
the Windows version (by running Samba/Apache under Linux on the other
machine), so I finally created it myself... see yesterday's
"jigdo-lite for Windows" message.

Testers or even a maintainer for the Windows version would be nice!



  __   _
  |_) /|  Richard Atterer
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