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agency and sample c.d

>From shahgoli soltani sghar co Tehran iran  date
09.july 2002  time 3.23.45.
Our e.mail  asshomid@yahoo.com
Our fax no 009821 7908451
Our tl no 009821 704009 dairctly line mr asghar
soltani. General manager.
??????..  7900401???????????????????.
Our tl  009621 7903930
?????..  7903947

to                                   attn to d p
export manager sell

we find your co prodction from internet  today please
pay attn to part following. By one by .
we are import co about differants sp.part computer and
differants cd. From 15 yeaRS BEFOR UNTIL NOW. And we
are interesting do biusinases whit your co .first
please send your general catalog prodction to our co
by air post . to our address.

No 432 crossing joibar dr ayat narmak Tehran iran attn
mr ashahr soltani 

We do to part follwing this biusinases whit your co
after  recived yr generals catalog or yr samples.

1-	we get your catalog  or sample from your co .
2-	we get agency from your co.
3-	after sample catalog  and letter agencty  we put
order for your co and get p.invoice  c.n. f. or  fob
and name of p.invoice  interduce  our forwarder to yr
co .
4-	after p.invoice we open   l.c from iran or doubi
for your co .
5-	after recived our l.c.  to yr co  we will tell to
your co  about everything for ship
by one by.

If your co interesting do nice biusinases lungtime and
get our market for your co about your prodction please
email or fax to our co.
Tks your co give time to our co.
a.s. soltani.
We are awitting yr rply.

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