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Re: Are PIK mirrors obsolete?

Mattias Wadenstein wrote:
But you could always do plain old rsync-mirroring. Sure, you'll download
quite a bit more data than strictly needed if you also have a debian
mirror, but I woulnd't mind if you did that to "my" mirror
(ftp.acc.umu.se, aka ftp.se.debian.org aka ftp.gnome.org).

Or you could wait until after the woody release, jigdo is new and really
put into place with the distribution of woody images. I'm sure most issues
will be dealt with a couple of weeks after that.

Actually, that would be my suggestion if you don't want to deal with this
now. Run a plain rsync-mirror from us and come back to this issue later
when you have the time and the software might have matured a bit.

Works for me... which module should I mirror?


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