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Re: Suggestion - when jigdo fails. (also: speed improvements)

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002 jvmatl@mindspring.com wrote:

> Lastly, the one not-completely-cool things I noticed about jigdo is that,
> since many of the files are small and download relatively quickly (at
> DSL speeds,) the single-ftp-logon-per-file nature of the way wget is
> being used means you spend a lot of time connecting, logging in
> anonymous, bringing up a tcp connection, etc. In short, my DSL modem is
> being used at far less than it's maximum rate, so the process takes
> longer than it needs to. I'm kind of kicking around the idea of
> modifying it a bit to:
> 1) ask wget for more than one file at a time, to reduce the ftp login
> overhead, and

I was under the impression that it already did this, getting 5 or 10 files
at a time. I might have read something wrong though.

> 2) allow the entry/selection of multiple mirrors, so that I can
> distribute my load aross multiple mirrors. (I don't mind maxing out
> *my* link, but It'd be nice if I could spread that load across a few
> mirrors so as not to monopolize one mirror's bandwidth. (As a side
> effect, this might also have the effect of reducing the probability
> of the "Aargh!" problem, since, if a file failed at one mirror, I would
> try another.
> Any suggestions on other things I could try to maximize download speeds
> and/or improve mirror-friendliness/robustness are welcome.

One could also recommend to use http instead of ftp. It is a much better
protocol for just getting a file you know the name of, since you don't
have to login. And at least for one mirror (the one I admin,
ftp.se.debian.org) the http sever is faster and more light-weight than the
ftp server.

/Mattias Wadenstein

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