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Re: Creating a team of people able to generate official images

On Fri, Sep 27, 2002 at 06:57:47PM +0200, Santiago Garcia Mantinan wrote:
> > Okay, since Phil's being a slacker, a group's now available on gluck
> > (debian-cd) with philh@d.o, atterer@d.o, hertzog@d.o, manty@d.o and
> > ajt@d.o.
> I think that Phil should be the one in setting up the base, but as he
> doesn't seem to be available at this time I'll try to set something up on
> gluck.

Hrm, apache.conf probably wants some of:

   IndexOptions NameWidth=* +SuppressDescription
   Options +Indexes
   DirectoryIndex .

so you don't get permission denied trying to browse around. Also, it'd
probably be better to move "setup" into /org/cdimage.d.o directly,
and outside of www.

Looks like a good start!


Anthony Towns <aj@humbug.org.au> <http://azure.humbug.org.au/~aj/>
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