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Files missing for CD#1, sid, ftp.fsn.hu


last night I tried downloading sid with jigdo, from ftp.fsn.hu. I'm 
using jigdo the first time and it's a very cool tool.

Downloading CD 2,3,4 worked well (5,6,7 are on their way), but CD 1 was
missing 12 files (strange URL's, like /var/apt/cache - seems the jigdo 
file from ftp.fsn.hu is broken).

Ok - the docs say: download missing files by hand, use rsync or similar
stuff. Downloading of the 12 files shurely wouldn't be a problem, even 
without rsync, but where should I put them and how tell I jigdo that 
they are in place so it can add them to the iso? Just copy them to the 
tmp/ directory and start jigdo-lite again?



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