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On Mon, 29 Jul 2002 11:20:28 +0200
"ErykD" <eryk_d@poczta.fm> wrote:

> Dear Debian CD team,
> I read the FAQ concerning the "NONUS" and non "NONUS" versions of cd
> images of Debian linux distribution, but I just can't figure out which
> one should I download. I am a citizen of Poland and I don't know if in
> the FAQ "everybody" meant everybody worldwide or just the US citizens?
> So my question is: "Should I download the
> "debian-30r0-i386-binary-1.iso" or "debian-30r0-i386-binary-1_NONUS.iso"
> cd image?" Thank you.

Download the NONUS one.

NONUS is a confusing name.

NONUS means complete, the normal (US?) one is crippled due to politics.

The only reason not to use the NONUS cd image instead of the US cd would
be if you were afraid of the possible legal repercussions for having
access to crypto software.... some countries dont want their people to
have privacy.


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