Re: Naming convention for official .jigdo files
On Sun, Jul 28, 2002 at 10:08:20AM +1000, jason andrade wrote:
> > That's not ideal - maybe it would be better to use the same name
> > stem as for the iso files, e.g. "debian-30r0-i386-binary-1.jigdo"?
> i actually think the iso filename is too long/descriptive given the
> location anyway, e.g for us, /pub/debian-cd/3.0_r0/i386/<filename>.
Yes, but when someone uses jigdo-mirror, the names would be just e.g.
/pub/debian-cd/i386/woody-1.iso, without a 3.0r0 dir. The same thing
happens if they mirror the jigdo files by mirroring
> there is already enough metadata in the path to let people know that
> the files in the directory are iso images for woody for the i386
> arch, so i prefer the naming scheme we used to have of
> binary-i386-1.iso and so on.
I prefer the longer name because it makes it easy for people to
remember where that .iso file on their harddisc came from. Just
"binary-1.iso" isn't very helpful. Additionally, people who download
images for >1 arches will appreciate the change.
I guess you can't please everybody. :)
> i think something similar for jigdo would make sense, e.g
> /pub/debian-cd/jigdo-area/3.0r0/i386/<files>
> /pub/debian-cd/jigdo-area/3.0r1/i386/<files>
That's possible, but doesn't solve the problem that mirroring
cdimage/jigdo-area/current/jigdo/ doesn't create a "3.0r0" directory
on the mirror. That way, there's no way for somebody to tell which
version of Debian the jigdo files are for.
__ _
|_) /| Richard Atterer | CS student at the Technische | GnuPG key:
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