Re: unstable CDs
> I feel uncomfortable with the idea that CDs of unstable are created,
> distributed and even sold. I can't speak for Debian itself, but the
> Debian FAQ explicitly discourages such thing.
There are a lot of people out there who are uncomfortable with the idea of
running old software, but don't want to go with the shiny distros (like
SuSE, Red Hat, etc.).
At least this is what I see. To go further I saw companies who installed
SID on firewall machines, because at that time potato was the stable
distribution, but with too old software (upgrading is simply PITA), woody
was unstable, but had some old software too, so they decided to run SID.
I think this isn't so good, but that was their decision.
> Now that a new testing exists (sarge), would people please consider at
> least creating CDs for the new testing *instead* of creating them for
> unstable? (At least for the 11 released architectures which have a
> working testing distribution).
Hmm. Would Debian please consider which installation method will be
released with Sarge? boot-floppies of debian-installer?
Currently, I do not have the time to fix boot-floppies to be able to
install sarge, that's why we don't have sarge ISOs...
--------[ Free Software ISOs - ]-------
Attila Nagy e-mail:
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